And to my brothers and sisters fighting for freedom in far-off lands...May Your Future Shine Ever more Brightly Every Waking Day.
The End of Everything
And to my brothers and sisters fighting for freedom in far-off lands...May Your Future Shine Ever more Brightly Every Waking Day.
The other day, I used Adobe Photoshop to put a little of MY OWN artistic license to work on the cosmos.
Photo Courtesy www.museum.tv
Original Image from lexcaliburs.com
Original photo of an actual Aurora Over Alaska, USA.
In 2003-4 I was employed as a professional "presentation-preparer" for a Big-6 consulting company.
I don't know where my audience is at in their experience, but I can't believe how often I have to explain to people that having limb-impairing brain-damage means more than just "minor lifestyle readjustments".
Before I started obsessing over the dwindling worldwide service-ethic I was known to fix prognostication of world-shaking-events-to-come on the rapid sinking of crude-oil prices in the global marketplace.
I have had the good fortune of knowing people of very-high morals. Though I present myself as being alone in this world...I have REALLY BUSY friends...many of whom learned how to be that way from me.
when the moment runs too long
Image courtesy ringtonic.wordpress.com
Original image courtesy www.typearts.com
One of the GOOD things I've inherited is a fairly developed sense of hearing.
When first you ponder the vast array of scientific information that mankind has imposed upon the heavens...
The most annoying problem in my life is the pervasive self-deception of: Having Voice-Mail = "Being There for You".