Elements of Depression

I'm not a medical practitioner, but I have learned over the years (from bona-fide medical diagnoses of various family-members) that there exist certain forms of mistreatment that almost naturally lead to a diminished sense-of-self that can result in SERIOUS mental or emotional problems if left unchecked.
But when someone so self-educated as I points out this fact to people (correctly evoking the EXACT terms employed in professional psychology), invariably the response is to assault my intelligence (which itself is a well-known tool of debate used by TV-talk-show hosts who suddenly find themselves drowning in their own ill-thought assertions...a.k.a. DIVERSION)
To be more frank, I generally feel like people want to lash-out at others all the time because they are perpetually frustrated by their own inability to make a cohesive argument...of any kind.
Apparently it takes a lot of intelligence to realize that you are an idiot...if in fact you are an idiot. This is one of those inescapable conundrums that makes arguing valid points with some people practically impossible.
Anyway...trying to breach the wall of stupidity for the sake of caring can have a deleterious effect on a person's mental health...especially if the idiot-in-question is in a position-of-power and refuses to admit that they have only vague or slanted ideas of what they are talking about.
Obviously, withdrawal from such stupidity would seem to be a natural reaction...but for me it isn't. It took years of actual experience before I finally understood that many people let the troubles in their lives overtake EVERYTHING, without ever sensibly addressing the consequences of carrying so much unsifted clutter...that MOST people are on the verge of insanity...literally.
Any trained psychologist will take issue with this wholly depressing conclusion, because it's obviously NOT a healthy vision of reality...
But it is what MY experience has taught me, so what do I do?
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