How Far is Down?

you're apt to disbelieve what you're seeing.
The sheer numbers are so long as to be confusing.
The invention of exponential enumeration only compounded the illusion of FATHOMABLE SIZE.
That our brains became able to encapsulate the cosmos in this way only deepens the mystery of intelligence...we see thousands of galaxies heading away from each other at incredible agreed in their haste to abandon some common origin in the metrically-distant past.
So what is at the center of the expansion? New dimensions of Heaven or Hell? A gargantuan pan-galactic creature invisible to dumb machines? To the naked-eye? And why is the urgency to abandon togetherness so universal as to be ... literally universal?
Am I distracted from today? every direction I might possibly cast my is the way of things.
It's an expansion that might only halt should so many galaxies slow their ascent absolutely: a Big Crunch around a Supermassive Black Hole of incalculable influence (such a massive gravity-well could literally propel objects at such high velocity that they skipped into another -unseen- dimension of reality [I may be hallucinating from the thousand mile-per-hour velocities of the galaxies themselves...though it's just a hypothesis of mine ;)]).
This is all just to make people consider just HOW insignificant the problems of the world really are in the face of an such unfathomable reality...things like this make THIS author a little more numb to the troubles of the world.
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