MMMMMW, Revisited
Part of memory is in strategically sifting the old stuff with the new stuff. Here's another article I wrote in February 2005, for your contemporary perusal. ;)
I've read maybe three thousand books in my life, and browsed thousands of websites.
That in itself doesn't make me anything special. But I pride myself on being aware of trivia that most people are completely blind to.
There's some really weird stuff to be considered out there. Not all of it is true.
It takes a really special person not to throw out the baby with the bath-water, when it comes to the truly bizarre.
Attached is some of the weirdest stuff you'll ever hear about. I'm not saying it's all true. Just weird.
The Stanford Prison Experiment
Long before the scandal at Abu Ghraib erupted, there was a well-known experiment that showed that prison does wierd things to normal people that can't be rationally explained.UFO investigator Jacques Vallee once noted, "Every organization has its share of unbalanced minds, and some of them are in uniform." This chilling story rocked the San Francisco Bay Area in the mid-80's.
The Cremation of Care at Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove is an exclusive resort in northern California where the rich and powerful come to engage in bizarre rituals every summer--the Bohemian Grove Action Network pickets the resort every summer.
Probably the most widely known piece of wierdness of our time. There are just as many conspiracy theorists as there are debunkers. The most interesting material is the actual witness testimony before the Warren Commission.
Mexico City seems to to have experienced more than its fair share of UFO activity in the last 15 years, including well-documented sightings in 1991, 1997 and 2005.
Most rational folks dismiss these odd coincidences as being nothing more than the ravings of lunatic minds. But they share a few features that make them more than mere oddities:
1) all of them have the distinction of being widely-documented by people of diverse educational, religious and socio-economic backgrounds
2) they all represent either precedent-setting or copy-cat examples of other equally well-documented occurrances
3) they all have been echoed into the public consciousness in the plot-lines of recent popular films (see if you can guess which ones)
In addition, just before I got ill, a member of the Washington jet-set inadvertently confirmed to me (albeit indirectly) that one of these occurrances was something more than mere trivia, public awareness of which nearly brought the Bush Administration to its knees.
If you take the time to review them thoroughly, it won't be too hard to figure out which one. Or will it?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Thanks for the compliments, those whom are real people and not merely commercial-automata-in-action ;) I try to keep it interesting, and not just a sounding-board for lunacy.
So thanks, too, for being sensible, intelligent beings. There's a kind of chain-reaction effect in being sensible to SPREAD sensibilty :)
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