The 5th Dementia

Although I myself have endured brain-damage (or more correctly, Neuro-motor damage) as a result of Multiple Sclerosis, my cognitive functions have remained largely unaffected (with the exception of rare bouts of confusion that are distinctly disorienting.)
Again, I am only giving a voice to people who don't really have one in the public sphere--I see them struggling to "get out" whenever I must visit my own Neurologist.
To put things in perspective...imagine that some of the wisest people on the planet are treated as idiots because the very brain in their head is experiencing a kind of "mental hurricane", 24 hours a day.
It's like living in New Orleans during Katrina and NOT being able to escape.
Or worse.
I just try to remember that people go through all sorts of trials that result in odd behavior...this seems to be the loving thing to do.
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