
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Soul Search

I have long known that the worst way to lose someone is having them mysteriously disappear.

The reason this is true is that any genuine relationship--whether it be casual or implicitly interdependent (such as the relationship between a child and parent)--is solidified by very deep and often irrational expectations.

These expectations are inherently tied to a kind of unconscious temporal sense that defies explanation.

It is as if--without expectation--the human soul naturally expands into an infinite space-time despite our rational understanding of mortality.

Conscious experience is filled with expectations. And those expectations provide comfortable (or even uncomfortable) boundaries within which our lives are given MEANING.

The sudden disappearance of entities that give MEANING to our lives is traumatic in strange ways.

Anybody who has suddenly lost a pet knows this feeling, even if they didn't care much for it.

The mysterious loss of a human being is 1000 times as traumatic, because somehow the soul continues searching infinite voids, and will not rest until an answer is found.

My deepest sympathies are with those who have experienced this kind of loss. --mattergy


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