Perfect Equilibrium=Death

The reason is because life itself depends on persistent changes in the fabric of matter.
If you don't have a rudimentary understanding of chemistry, it's pointless to try explaining.
Suffice it to say that energy in this universe flows according to certain EXACT patterns (a practically limitless set of exact patterns, but EACH AND EVERY ONE of the patterns are themselves EXTREMELY predictable).
It is persistent agitation of these "perfect" patterns that gives life its inherent robustness over every inorganic process in nature...robustness that our senses have learned to identify as LIVING (as opposed to merely animated).
My point is that living in peace ALWAYS requires a certain amount of parrying around the forces weighing on oneself. In many ways, life itself is a never-ending wrestling match, no matter how one tries to ignore that live utterly without disturbances is an oxymoron.
Accepting and peacefully interacting with the real dynamics of life is the first step in ANY conceptualization of spiritual maturity.
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