And there ARE a few of them. In fact, one banker who helped me today was EXTREMELY knowledgeable and professional in piloting me around a few knuckleheads in the debt-collection business that caused about 15 separate entities to totally miss the fact that the REASON I went from a six-figure salary to being so poor that I barely have enough money for food is BECAUSE I DEVELOPED SEVERE DISABILITIES AS A RESULT OF M.S.
Anyway, this story is in praise of people (like this banker) who can look beyond a piece of data in a computer and surmise that SOME genuinely unusual circumstances require more-than-the-usual attention to detail.
People like this banker represent a society's TRUE WEALTH...not the mathematical sorcery that MOST businesspeople rely on.
Her understanding and persistence was worth more than a bagful of money to me. I hope she gets a promotion.
Author's Addendum:
Just so MORE knuckleheaded debt-collectors don't get the wrong idea...technically I never earned more than a FIVE-figure salary. But that number was closer to the average 6-figure salary than it was to the average 5-figure salary, so I tend to use the term 6-figure just to get the point across that I didn't work in fast-food.
Author's Addendum 10/18/07:
OK, so I did work at a fast-food restaurant a LONG-TIME AGO, but the point is that I left there and moved on... it's a good thing I did, too. Because it forced me to pay more into the Social Security upon which I now depend. ;)
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