A Personal Note to My Regular Readers

I don't hide "secret messages" in these articles, and I NEVER write to spread hate.
This is a forum for people who share common experiences, and when I write with seeming indignation, it is generally toward POORLY-REPRESENTED ENTITIES, not INDIVIDUALS.
The notable exception is the case of the Office of the President, in which a very few individuals write policy for the entire Executive Branch (unquestionably) of the Federal Government, and thus the commentary is naturally more person-centric.
Even in that instance, I write as a U.S. Citizen who cares about his country, and seeks to help its Citizens--NOT as an ill-meaning enemy.
Still, I often discover through my various circles of influence, that someone has errantly misperceived a controversial topic as being directed at themselves...an unfortunate phenomenon over which I have NO CONTROL.
But as edgy as my commentary can be, I really am an honorable guy, not a self-seeking mouthpiece for some hidden cause. And I DON'T COUCH PERSONAL CRITICISM into broad topics.
It's just not my style.
Just be assured that I rarely speak lightly about matters that can be everywhere-seen as meaningful and important to many people.
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