Legalized Theft

My wireless provider charges an obscene amount of money for "pay-per-use" text messaging, even though I already pay over $60 per month for text service.
I tried getting answers about this odd billing through their website, but was treated only to an automated response system that DOESN'T address the problem.
I called them, but was treated as if I was either a complete idiot, or didn't have a firm grasp of the English language. :S
I received AND sent only 10 text messages last month but was charged over $US 200 (not including the $60 fee I pay for 1000 "free" incoming messages).
I don't usually desire that ANYONE should burn in Hell for eternity, but the people who knowingly practice this sort of deceptive and questionable, yet "unresolvable" billing deserve it, IMHO.
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