The Subtle Appearance of Impropriety

The reasons for this are actually fairly simple to understand, but irritating to those who start with political agendas, and then seek "supporting viewpoints" to bolster those agendas.
I don't play that game. My methodology is to start with FACTS and then to figure out what the facts say.
It was in this way that I was (in my youth) able to reconcile scientific fact with religious dogma...and in the end realize greater social truths than anyone I knew had previously dared.
It is for this reason above all that I find so unnerving President Bush's incessant quest to obscure the actual testimony of those closest to him in the firing of high-level federal prosecutors.
Being a good American, I know that (historically) when the Chief Executive of the land has sought to retain excessive power through secrecy, it has NEVER been a good thing.
I don't know what our Executive Branch is hiding, but my intuition tells me that it can't be good...whatever it is.
When a Chief Executive feels confident enough to mask facts from public view, it makes ME think that the WORST has occurred...and I'm sure I'm not alone.
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