Seasons Changing
I don't know about your calendar but here...the seasons really begin to change in mid-October. From the fallen twigs I trip over on the way to get the mail, to the kids' actual desire to "bundle-up", there are telltale signs everywhere that winter is on its way.
Late fall often brings the rain in my neck-of-the-woods, but this year the weather is particularly cold.
Last year we had 80F days into November. October--this year--is turning into a house-painter's nightmare.
Technically, I WAS a HOUSE-PAINTER just prior to the M.S. episode that convinced me that playing trapeze-artist on 2-story roofs was NOT in my best-interest ;)
Anyway I don't miss those days. But like the squirrel that hides nuts for the winter, I'm glad I invested in Social Security for all those years.
People complain about the money compulsorily taken out of their paychecks, but it is just an investment in their own futures. Trust me. ;)
Editor's Note:
Aparently there is some controversy over whether "roofs" or "rooves" is the correct English spelling for the plural of roof. My spell-check says "roofs" but my common sense tells me "rooves" would be the correct form.
If you listen to a native born American, it's usually pronounced "rooves", but when I was a professional Painter's Assistant, I heard a lot of both pronunciations.
I guess people would let EITHER spelling go uncorrected, but I did change "rooves" to "roofs" at the behest of my spell-check.
I feel so weak. ;)
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