
The source: an image of the little-publicized Boomerang Nebula.
The picture you see displayed here is my version.
The work that produced the original image is carefully cited on the APOD (Astonomy Picture of the Day) website.'s not a Da Vinci, but it could be an example of purely random processes ADDING ART TO THE COSMOS, even in the effect of causing the viewer to see things that aren't really there (those white blurs you see randomly spotted on the background of deep space are merely a mathematical distortion of the APOD image.
Addendum 3:30 p.m. PST:
The APOD guys switched-out the image from which I started (but in that instance, I hesitate to re-publish the .jpeg I downloaded in this blog).
I think even the astronomers would admit that I've added MORE-THAN-ENOUGH alteration to THE IMAGE DISPLAYED to declare it to be SIGNIFICANTLY ORIGINAL. ;)
Addendum 1/25/2008: here's the THE ORIGINAL APOD IMAGE. Thanks, APOD.
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