
Friday, July 28, 2006


As I am wont to do when the affairs of the moment become too difficult to digest, I sometimes search out words that encapsulate grand ideas: I'm pretty sure I found the word that best summarizes everything I think is wrong with humanity. I know I've found the right word when I'm able to speak again without stuttering.

And the word that so aptly describes that human quality I find so unpalatable is...vainglorious.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


There's been a lot on my mind this past week. Yet one fragile image dominates my thoughts.

Every snowflake is formed around a single infintesimal ice crystal.

When the ground is dusted with the first good snowfall of winter...it's beautiful--pure.

But after a little exhaust gets into it, it turns dirt-brown. And when the snow begins to melt again, the dirty stuff is tracked everywhere.

How beautiful pure snow is; how ugly life makes it!

Friday, July 21, 2006

{ }

I rarely have nothing to say. But there's a philosophical conundrum I can't escape regarding George W. Bush's veto of the U.S. Congress's recent legislation supporting Human Stem Cell research:

In heaven, who is greater...the meaningless mass of tissue that helped elicidate cures for a hundred diseases, or the Zealous leader of millions who, believing himself to be a servant of God, single-handedly prevented the meaningless mass of tissue from fulfilling a genuinely godly purpose? --mattergy

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Proof of a Prophet is in the Putting

As a broad-based student of apocalyptic literature from the last 100 years, I realize that I need to be careful to choose my influences wisely.

Oddly enough, I'm finding that the FIRST stuff I read is turning out to be the most insightful...

One very ominous trend in apocalyptic literature is that each new generation of zealots seems to bend it to suit the social agendas of the moment. But Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, as slanted as it was to issues of the late 60s, is turning out to be the most accurate guide to understanding current events.

Granted, you have to read into it little, but it's remarkably insightful, even though it was written nearly 40 years ago! If you're interested in making sense of current events, you should pick up a copy! --mattergy

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Looking out Over the Precipice of Reason

I like to think of myself as an "intuitive" analyst of human affairs, but I would be errant not to acknowledge the ugly trends in human affairs fomented by certain combinations of nature, innovation, political adventure and greed.

Having poured over events of the past few days, I sense that a genuine critical-point in human history is rapidly approaching. I would like to understand it, but even my complex mind seems unable to distill a comprehensible analysis of what is happening, except through spiritual metaphor:

It's as if a wounded animal is crying out, and there is no one to help.

OK...so this isn't specific to any given circumstance, but I am certain the metaphor resonates in the minds of those better trained in understanding the complexities of their own experience. I don't know how to help this "wounded animal" either. But I am certain that if it isn't put down, it will cause great injury to the people of the world in its insanity.

Pray. --mattergy

Sunday, July 16, 2006

NKUR (Noble Koreans You Rock!)

In my recent post about the current turmoil in the East, I talked about the situation as being: "from the mediterranean to India."

I by no means meant to limit my love for victims of repressive regimes in the East by arbitrarily setting those boundaries (there are equally compelling situations in China, North Korea and around the Indian Ocean to be considered--ask the Aussies!)

But I limited the scope of my article to draw attention to RECENT affairs. Also, my view of the world is skewed...the matter in North Korea is particularly vile to my Korean friends, so I am somewhat numb to the clamor about what a collosal idiot Kim Jong Il is (sorry dude, if no one has been honest with you ;) you are an infantile traitor to your own people and all peace-loving people of the world!)

Even this is limiting of scope. There are repressive regimes in Africa, the Caucasus and around the Caspian Sea that are equally vile...but at the moment, Lebanon and Israel have my attention because of my friends who fought to keep those places safe for little kids (yes, the fight goes on):(

I could write endlessly about the evil in the East, but I wanted to remind people that the struggle against tyranny is widespread.

IMHO, the Koreans have shown exemplary patience in their daily trials, so I salute their stamina. --Mattergy

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yes, I Have a Heart!!!

I think perhaps I have been painting myself as being numb to the HUMAN realities of the subjects of my commentary.

If I have given this impression I apologize. I tend to immerse myself in bad news when I'm becoming overwhelmed by my OWN troubled circumstances (see my article: THE END OF EVERYHING).

In fact I'm a deeply sensitive person...so sensitive in fact that I really cannot digest the very issues that my mind is so apt at understanding

I wanted to express my sincere sympathy for the Lebanese and Israeli people who now find themselves in the fire of political ideologies.

In my opinion ANY political ideology that seeks to exculpate one population at the expense of another...is monumentally flawed! The victims of such a conflict are usually innocent pawns without ANY political agenda, other than the obvious agenda of protecting the innocent!

My heart grieves with the people who are suffering real injury to their homes and families as a result of the turmoil in the Eastern World...from the Mediterranean to India. --mattergy

Friday, July 14, 2006


You know, I'd like to be wrong about the really ugly stuff, but I have a nasty habit of making accurate predictions about bad stuff happenning...hopefully you're noticing by now that I'm almost NEVER WRONG!

You will recall THIS POSTING from earlier this week.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

As you might expect I have a not-so-generic view on geopolitcs that is over most people's heads. I tried to integrate those views into a graphical geopolitical "mood meter" at one time. but the volatility of world affairs lately has made the thing all but useless (my current summary of the mood meter's readings is something like: "we're all screwed, but we'll be so doped up when the news finally hits that we wont care.")

A precipitous drop in the price of oil for the past three days suggests that everybody in the financial industry is expecting a near-Apocalyptic event in the coming weeks. Granted, the sharing of Insider Information is the pariah of actuary, but the fact of the matter is that it happens all the time, and the signs are all too ominous.

Obviously I'm no expert, but it's looking an awful lot like rain. Better carry an umbrella! --Mattergy

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Value of a Twig

I've seen a twig prevent a mountain of rubble from collapsing on a car. I'd have to say it was worth it's weight in pure antimatter, a substance that annually costs the world several billion dollars to produce.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Heroes of This Age

This moment is in memory of all the soldiers who fight daily to protect the innocent so that they may live in peace. Whatever nationality you are...those who practice peace as a way of life honor your sacrifices. May Heaven bless your dedication in serving the cause of Righteousness.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I wrote several entries when Natalee Holloway dissappeared last year.

In reviewing my work over the last year, I realize I owe Natalie's parents an apology. Obviously, the dissappearance of a family member under mysterious circumstances is a tragedy that brings with it incomparable grief. The additional spectre of foul-play only adds to that grief, I am certain.

My seeming insensitivety to this, I realize NOW, was largely a function of my own battle with the very disabling onset of Multiple Sclerosis, which changed me from a fairly athletic young man into a barely-ambulatory hospital-patient.

Let the reader understand. I was writing from the point-of-view that Natalee's disappearance was perhaps not an UTTER tragedy (death) but a recoverable setback (an emotional response to ongoing family friction--RUNNING AWAY).

I took this admittedly optomistic position because of my own personal experience in encouraging teenage runaways to figure out what the real issues were and to address them in a rational and apropriate manner (and to seek out professional help in the most extreme circumstances).

As of this date, I still maintain hope that Natalee is alive and well, perhaps extremely embarassed, but will be able to continue with her life in relative peace...despite this bizarre episode. If that were to happen, it would no doubt bring great joy to many people around the globe ... myself included.

I know your Mom and Dad would be happy, and maybe a little more understanding about your point-of-view. I don't know you, Natalee, but I love you as you are. Matt