Looking out Over the Precipice of Reason

I like to think of myself as an "intuitive" analyst of human affairs, but I would be errant not to acknowledge the ugly trends in human affairs fomented by certain combinations of nature, innovation, political adventure and greed.
Having poured over events of the past few days, I sense that a genuine critical-point in human history is rapidly approaching. I would like to understand it, but even my complex mind seems unable to distill a comprehensible analysis of what is happening, except through spiritual metaphor:
It's as if a wounded animal is crying out, and there is no one to help.
OK...so this isn't specific to any given circumstance, but I am certain the metaphor resonates in the minds of those better trained in understanding the complexities of their own experience. I don't know how to help this "wounded animal" either. But I am certain that if it isn't put down, it will cause great injury to the people of the world in its insanity.
Pray. --mattergy
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Thankyou for what you are contributing to the public discourse.
:) I try. Thanks for the complement. I know people are fighting millions of unseen battles every day, so I try to stick to the basics. Keep on Rockin'!
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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