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I rarely have nothing to say. But there's a philosophical conundrum I can't escape regarding George W. Bush's veto of the U.S. Congress's recent legislation supporting Human Stem Cell research:
In heaven, who is greater...the meaningless mass of tissue that helped elicidate cures for a hundred diseases, or the Zealous leader of millions who, believing himself to be a servant of God, single-handedly prevented the meaningless mass of tissue from fulfilling a genuinely godly purpose? --mattergy
"In heaven..." yes. what about here and now? on this earth and in this life? that is the only life we will know and have for sure...what does it say about us if we let him single-handedly hold back the good work of the dog...I mean god of course...
IM G0D13$$
Lol, you obviously missed the big paradoxes here. Think "fight fire with fire."
I don't mean to minimize your personal experience by leading off with "lol". I recieve a lot of mail from people who, in their quest to validate their own opinions, try to either co-opt my words for personal gain, or use them to restate my views (often incorrectly) to others. Although I don't have what most people would accept as being qualifying "credentials", I approach my topics with all the careful attention to detail espoused by the best-educated minds in any academic or professional discipline.
In other words, when I speak in riddles, I do it assuming that my readers are bright enough to recognize that I'm not just speaking off the cuff, or parroting someone else's ideas for great effect.
This is MY blog. If you have any recommended additions to MY original work, you are free to make recommendations, Mr./Ms. ANONYMOUS, but I don't answer loaded questions!.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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