
Friday, August 20, 2010

A Brief Interlude About Wikipedia.org

A few readers have noticed that I frequently link to Wikipedia.org when providing citations for articles on Apocalypticon.

The reasons for this are both philosophical AND practical.

1. I have NEVER found (personally) any Wikipedia article to be in error. Considering the vast number of disciplines considered, this speaks of a highly-professional and dedicated staff..of many fields (research, editorial, and even data-entry).

2. Many points-of-view are often considered, and compared...even if not perfectly-scholarly. This speaks of a well-understood commitment to truth, in many forums.

3. The actual links are visible and active throughout the Western world, making them useful to ALL of my readers.

4. The bibliographic citations are both thorough and painstakingly-accurate (witness this article about the history of the game, Monopoly).



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