People and Companies that Make a Difference
Some readers may be under the mistaken impression that I am not thankful for the assistance I've been getting from various persons and companies. I really am's just that the agony of being essentially paralyzed in invisible ways makes daily-life so overwhelming that I have trouble thinking about everything at-once.
But I do want to point out a couple very helpful people who have made this experience a LOT less troublesome. In fact, although I previously agonized over this company's minimizing of support to its own staff that made email-communication impossible, in fact, the superior efforts of that same staff made the lack of email far less problematic than it could have been.
That is the kind of ingenuity and fortitude that makes companies thrive. And I like to recognize that kind of effort.
So I do...and because I have a strict policy of anonymity for ALL corporate entities that are the subject of my personal experience, I very sincerely hope that both the company and the person(s) to whom I am referring know implicitly that I am paying them my deepest respect for turning an unhappy person into an appreciative one.
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