
Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Original Image courtesy Wikipedia

I guess I have a fairly unique perspective on just about everything. But there are some things that get me chuckling, and I'm unable to stop. Today I receieved a targeted-ad for a GPS (Global Positioning System) mobile-locator device...and I'm still chuckling.

Ostensibly this would be a useful device for the REAL globe-trekkers of the world (hehe), but my particular circumstance tends to dampen my interest in rock-climbing in the Swiss-Alps...

I, for a moment, saw myself touring the bergstrasse with my stainless-steel cane, but then the vision of tripping off of an embankment due to a misappropriated step with my more-disabled leg made me laugh out-loud.

American Klutzenbrot (sic) for sure. ;)

So I probably WON'T be investing in a GPS soon!..(in case I've become phantasmagorically obtuse about my desire, or lack thereof to purchase a GPS.)

For now, just knowing what street I'm on usually works...street-names are cleverly marked [in American English, or American-(insert language)] with 4-inch letters at every intersection.

I usually know where I am. ;)


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