Dodging the Neural Rush-Hour
I keep getting annoying e-mails from Microsoft's Corporate Sales Department urging me to attend a seminar/learning event. Nothing about the sales materials or the seminar itself (or the valuable tech-info one might acquire there) is annoying...
AND their desktop publishing staff is clearly proficient enough (probably loathing this whole effort, a bit),
but the primary reason a person might NOT attend is because of the location...doing so would mean clogging the already stressed Silicon Valley traffic for the techies this seminar might REALLY aid.
And let me tell you that there is no stress your PC will ever endure like the screwdriver of a traffic-frustrated PC-maintenance guy or gal.
...attending a seminar in Santa Clara, CA in the middle of a workday is a good way to get physically injured...although there are some incredibly talented Bay Area drivers en route...even the most talented drivers can't fix an organizational conundrum.
And being already too disabled to even take the bus there (yes, I COULD have taken the bus there, VTA #180 from the EAST-BAY, I think) but as I said, I'm now too disabled to handle EVERYTHING ELSE, namely the aforementioned STRESSED-OUT drivers who will wind up with me in the exact same place.
Talk about a mess...that's a BRAIN-MESS-waiting-to-happen for ME should I have risked the relative safety of the Internet for a LIVE conference...
This decision also has the benefit of helping REAL TECHS have some extra time to prepare for the event ;). Thinking like a computer would be much simpler, if the NON-TECHNICAL people around Silicon Valley weren't so stressed-out all of the time ;)
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