The Customer is Always Right
I'm not an easily-impressed person. But I like to think that I'm at the very least a fair-minded one.
I know that it takes people of many walks-of-life to keep the engines of civilization humming...but occasionally I do become irrationally-irate at the wrong people, and for that I'm genuinely sorry...
Every once-in-awhile that hard-to-please aspect of my personality causes people to shine where others simply reject me as a "problem".
And when people shine despite my unruliness, I am geuinely appreciative.
One of the companies that recently impressed me because of their civility in dealing with a tough customer (me) is internet-storefront/retailer BUY.COM, that showed through subtle action its commitment to making right what was out-of-place, with the sort of professional attitude that I tend to associate with a truly winning firm.
Obviously, there's a fair amount of competition in this space, so I'm sure it's easy to get lost among the competition...and I am by no means trying to turn attention away from competitors.
I am just an ordinary consumer...with a bizarre and trying form of neural-damage that inhibits movement as well as my ability to process simple inconsistencies that most people accept without blinking.
Yet, as I've explained to my friends, even small inconsistencies can strike my brain as hurricanes of chaos. Yes, this may seem extreme, but the human brain moderates the whole person...and as I've mentioned ad nauseum, MY brain sometimes acts like a ball of electified-wire thrown into a bathtub...sputtering and short-circuiting without rhyme or reason.
For the most part I'm able to keep this effect in-check...but odd things like recorded-ads fed into the phone while I'm on-hold can result in an mild form of schizoid-behavior that I have trouble hiding...nothing overtly obvious, just irritating to the well-organized thought processes of MOST normal folks.
MY agitation in turn agitates others and in SOME circumstances it makes our communication somewhat caustic.
But the folks at BUY.COM absorbed, and accepted my ire--not complacently, but professionally, and THAT impressed me.
I don't want to be misinterpreted as saying that people should expect ANYBODY to act as a sponge for soaking up their anger. I'm only saying that in this particular circumstance, BUY.COM acted commendably.
And professional-behavior-under-fire is worthy of positive recommendation, in my opinion. Good job, folks.
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