You know it, and you don't even know it. ;)
There was a phase in my music-career when it seemed as if the whole drumming-world was playing an endless reprise of the Chiffons song: "My Boyfriend's Back".
Hence, whenever one of MY former drummers lapsed into this beat (DOOM--rat-tat, DOOM--rat-tat) and so on, I would loathingly refer to it as "The My-Boyfriend's-Back-Beat", meaning that the obvious no-no of repeatedly hitting the snare-drum twice on the back-beat had been violated, and was getting dangerously tiresome (capable of sending the WHOLE audience out for a smoke [even the NON-smokers], also a big NO-NO)
I was only the bass-player...nobody of any great importance...but I felt SURE this simplistic ditty-beat was the death of many a fellow-band in those days...
The cause of NOT getting on the audience's nerves seemed greater than the drummer's inability to break this bad habit.
So I got to be something of a nemesis to THOSE bands.
I'm proud to have never played with a drummer who COULDN'T break this habit ;)