The ParkingGarageSyndicate
I have an obscure taste for English words that have multiple-meanings, largely a result of being aware that people have a marked tendency to apply whichever meaning they personally relate-to to just about everything they read [something I call reader narcissism.]
Anyway, I noticed some time ago that internet-gamers always seem to latch-on the most insulting meanings for these terms without even knowing what the intended meaning really is.
This was an insightful revelation for me, so I began to "invent" compressed-phrases with multiple-meanings to titillate the readers' ambiguous curiosity.
I am a fairly competitive-gamer myself, so when inventing team-names I rarely if ever use one ascribed to an established [real-life] organization, mainly out of respect for names that may or may not be legally protected.
So I call my internet-team the ParkingGarageSyndicate--begging the questions:
1. Which parking-garage(s)?;
2. What kind of "syndicate"?;
3. Is there any REAL threat to me, my associates or family?
Just to answer some of these questions...
1. There are NO REAL parking-garages;
2. The syndicate is merely a loose-affiliation, and since there are NO REAL parking-garages, even the loose-affiliation is completely fictitious.
3. The only possible REAL THREAT is to a person's meticulously-nurtured imagination, but nothing more...and if your imagination somehow becomes damaged, I submit that the damage was done before you even knew I you the weakest legal-footing you might possibly have to accuse me of ANYTHING.
In other words, if you can't accept that the ParkingGarageSyndicate is utterly-fictitious, it's NOT my fault!