Stemming the Facts

Most folks have never even heard of oligodendroctes...but it may turn out that these maturing precursor-cells lead scientists to understand fundamental differences between human and lower-Mammals...they may also be used in the future to spur "remyelination" of human neurons...a novel treatment for any number of afflictions of the human CNS (Central Nervous System), including my rare Multiple Sclerosis.
But I also forsee trouble from the less-intelligent religious dogmaticians who see embryonic stem-cell research as being a crime-against-God-and-children.
I guess you have to weigh the benefits to mankind against the potential losses (futuristically-speaking)...which posits the question: "who is worth MORE: the unrealized children who contributed their bodies to science before they were ever born, or the CNS-dysfunctional adults of the future who will benefit most significantly from this discovery?"
<<>> personally have to pay attention to this matter because I must ask myself if I would be morally able to receive treatment (remyelination of my damaged neurons), or if doing so would somehow accessorize me to "murder" (of those unrealized children who made this discovery possible?)
It's not so basic a question as you might think...think about it!
BTW...ALL well-differentiated cells in biological-adults begin as stem-cells of a certain species.
Which begs the question which came first:
The stem-cell or the baby?
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