Color Sensibility in Information-Rich Environments
Oddly, I felt more assaulted today by badly-contrasted layout on Wikipedia than any information itself.
And that's saying a lot.
The problem was actually intended to solicit new donors to Wikipedia...but failed IMHO...because of poor attention to the effect of color on distracting the audience...any audience.
I admit that I'm something of a color-snob when it comes to web-layout...but I would think that trained-professionals would know better than to blast readers eyes with the face of a person on a pure white background--even if the purpose was to solicit new donors to what I consider to be one of the most useful sites on the internet.
Take it from a former-professional: show your human-ken by first applying color-sensibility in web-layout.
Addendum 12:13 P.M. PDT
The issue was corrected before I could finish typing this entry...showing the effectiveness of the free-edited model. I should have known...but I hope the revision was made as result of aesthetic-sensibility...and not personal-preference.
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