Looks Aren't Everything...But Good Teeth Help!

Some dedicated readers were wondering at the curious lack of recent material here...but I assure you the mystery is purely mundane.
One of the drawbacks of losing your dominant hand to paralysis is that you must relearn how to brush your teeth with the OPPOSITE hand...not an easy trick even for the semi-ambidextrous of us.
As a result, in addition to getting lifetime neural-damage, I developed my first adult cavities in over 5 years...because of poorly developed brushing ability with that hand.
In the USA, there's not a ton of National dental-care options available (although Medicare part D [which I HAVE NOT received as of this date] coverage now includes RUDIMENTARY dental care [or so i'm told]...little more than routine cleanings, actually), my dad was kind enough to help me pay for the work that I needed now, but he isn't the wealthiest guy in the world, either...so thaks Dad!
Anyway, the whole experience left me partially incapacitated for a while (just getting to the dentist [and back home] on THE DENTIST'S schedule was a fairly difficult task to organize for me...but thanks to caring family and good friends, I now have an acceptable smile again.) :)
Yes, I know: excuses, excuses...but as my working-class coleagues understand, bad dentistry is a cause for all kinds of subtle ostracism in the USA, so again, thanks Dad!
I'm acceptable to the general populace again!
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