The Importance of Journalling
Heaven forbid that one should lose their memory!
But one thing I learned from the late Julian Jaynes is that history is fleeting for the entire human-species...this because of fragmented, I mean--Too Much Distraction(tm).
While one might mourn the loss of public-consciousness, I feel a more devastating crack in the human-psyche emerging...the overall loss of sensibility itself.
Coming to terms with the realization of a near-7-billion human-residents now living on Planet Earth is something the mathematicly-adept of us have trouble accepting...6.9 billion is a LOT of people.
Which leads to the question of whether or not love is in fact in surplus-supply.
I believe there is enough love to go around, but whether the signal is strong enough to reach every point on the globe is debatable...
I'm certain that the possible point-to-point strength...the accepting of genuine in-fact LIMITED by the inherent fragility each and every indivdual on this gravitationally-linked sphere.
"Journaling" (keeping a daily diary) represents a kind of self-reassurance that public-memory itself won't forget...should it be affected by a global Alzheimer's disease.
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