Dumbass II: The Heretic

Whereas the West has tolerated Iran's oil-for-stability extortion since the 1970's, it is a sure bet that the Royal Navy can't be expected to exercise restraint where its seamen are concerned. I doubt any force (save the Crown) could prevent conflict now.
If only the demagogues of the middle east could understand that MANAGEMENT OF SEA LANES, not POLITICAL IDEOLOGY is the driving force behind the West's seemingly passive acceptance of Iran's naval presence in the Persian Gulf...Yes, the West respects Iran's sovereignty along its coast, but not enough to acquiesce to a brazen act of WAR on the HIGH SEAS!
Some people will NEVER learn...sigh.
Author's Addendum 7:20 AM PST 3/22/07:
After studying this incident more closely I realize that my assertion that the event occurred on the High Seas may be in error. The British Naval vessel in question seems to have been patrolling a waterway that is technically Iranian Territory. But regardless...I am certain the event is going to chill Iranian/Western relations greatly, AND I am certain that the methodology employed by the Iranian Navy will most likely be perceived as an ACT OF WAR.
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