Kill Grandma...Eat the Grandkids

Ironically, when circumstances change to make working impossible...the very same people are often the ones most likely to harass innocent junior-employees of these same agencies for their apparent lack of competence in providing needed services.
I myself refuse to act in either manner.
Yet, I have had the unfortunate experience of being on BOTH SIDES of this conversation: as both the person-in-need and as the flak-catcher for the agency-in-question. Neither experience is very pleasant.
The flak-catcher is bound by the voluminous rules-memos issued by the agency's brass. The person-in-need is implicitly bound by their own disability.
There is little "freedom" to be experienced in either situation. Coincidentally, these are the only roles I have played wherein I have seriously considered suicide.
But the keyword here is "considered"--what standardized medical language refers to as SUICIDAL IDEATION. The crazy part is that S.I. is frequently encouraged by the very same people whose service is supposed to help alleviate such "ideation".
...and in case you're wondering what triggered this sudden flurry of "negative thinking", it's a very oblique bit of bureaucratic nonsense entitled "Notice of Action" that I received in yesterday's that is going to necessarily throw me back into the same fray of idiocy that seems to encourage thoughts of self-imollation.
I guess the idea is to distill my paltry contribution to humanity into oblivion. Thank God for redundant data-keeping.
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