The 3 Faces of Evening

Obviously, it's only interesting to people who've sought to make their presence more than just a babbling digital super-ego.
"Mattergy" is a nickname my ex-Girlfriend gave to me for reasons that she alone understands completely, and I wear the nick because it is easily associated with my personality...even by people who've just met me.
The word was also used infrequently in the past to honor Einstein's equation of Special Relativity ([E=MC^2] or matter/energy equivalence). But these days, it seems every New Age nutcase in cyberspace is trying to adopt the term to validate their own irrational metaphysical BS.
Conversely, this particular "Mattergy" knows that without the limits of the macroscopic universe (that is, the world our eyes, ears and hands tell us is real) we'd all go very quickly insane.
I know this idea meets with a lot of resistance from people who'd like to imagine the possibility of alternate realities that cater to their own personal desires (and I am in no way suggesting that such non-physical realities can't/don't exist), but the truth is that our very physical brains DO have limitations.
For the puposes of this post, I'll only focus on the problems multiple cyber-egos make for REAL people these days: my supposition is that the multiplying of personae without restraint has serious destabilizing consequences that have yet to be addressed by sociologists, economists and mental-health professionals.
As with most subjects I write about, I resist specifically defining the profound impact of this coming cyber-insanity...but I feel a great destabilization of the TOTAL human experience coming.
The easiest way to understand the problem is to consider this conundrum: it is now possible to have feelings about people who may or may not really exist. And I think this phenomenon is in itself one of the most ominous portents confronting the human species at this moment in its existence.
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