Self-Deluding Game-Server Administration
I've been an administrator on various Internet game-servers since the mid-1980s. And every once-in-a-while I encounter issues with the game-servers I play to while-away these endless hours of immobility thrust upon me by Multiple Sclerosis by playing games.
Unfortunately, the staff responsible for maintaining one of the games I play most frequently has curiously cut-itself off from feedback with the REAL World (tm)...and because of errant changes made by the game-providers, game-play has been suspended WITHOUT fair-warning to the players.
So, realizing that some bonehead errors had been made in updating the game, I decided to post the memo I had intended for the game-staff HERE where one of them might see it and fix the problem:
To: Smallball Baseball Staff
From: ParkingGarageSyndicate MGR
Re: Program Miscode
I play SmallBall Baseball every day. But this morning I noticed (because the game kept reporting a "CONNECTION" problem nonsensically) that a possible error was made on YOUR side because the executable continues to search for a nonexistent file--seed.setup...the nearest matches I can find are "seed.update" and "update.setup", but no "seed.setup".
The game in its current state is NON-FUNCTIONAL...but I suspect that if no changes had been made on your side, the game would have been fine. Could you please fix the problem, or advise as to a user-updatable procedure to make the thing work again?
[name] aka Andy Romy, PGS Manager
So hopefully someone in authority will read this blog and solve the problem soon.
update Sat Mar 6, 350 PM PST:
Sorry, guys/gals/w/e at
I received a courteous email after I had sent an email to the honorable COMMISH. :)
Not trying to suggest that my email had anything to do with it... ;)
Glad to materialize here. Good day or night everybody!
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